
Why This Blog Exists

My purpose and mindset behind starting this blog

July 04, 2022

“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”
— Friedrich Nietzsche

When starting a new project, the first question we should ask ourselves is, “Why?” Why do we do what we do? Why do we feel the need to create? Why do we live the way we live?

“Why” defines direction and purpose. It immediately gives context to a decision and makes our intention clear. We’re only given a short time in this life, and each of us must answer for own “Why”, or risk drifting through life without meaning. As for me, I aim to make the most of my time here by consciously creating and shaping the life I want: to create, to love and nurture, to contribute to the world.

I’ve spent far too long wasting my time or trying to meet others’ expectations. I’m starting to understand that the essence of living well is acting in accordance with your values. So here I am putting my values into action—writing!

Writing a blog is something I’ve wanted to do for several years now. I want to be creative, learn actively by explaining, and start establishing my online presence. Plus, I just enjoy writing, and I want to keep honing my skills. At this point in my life, however, it’s simply about doing something I’ve wanted to do. It’s being able to prove to myself that I can be the person I’ve always wanted to be.

Why am I writing this blog? I’m writing to find my own voice, to create something, and to enjoy the process of self-discovery and expression. I’m writing for a certain someone very special to me. But I’m also writing for you. If you find yourself uncertain where your life is headed, trying to overcome your own barriers, looking for answers—if you’re not even sure which questions to ask—I hope that here you will find some new insights and different perspectives that you can apply. At the end of the day, we’re all just trying to navigate our own paths through life. I hope that by sharing my thoughts, I can provide you something that helps you in your own journey.

Life is a deeply personal journey for all of us. Only you can answer for your own life. So, why are you here? What do you live for? What is your purpose on this Earth?

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